
Sep 12, 2016
Bergensavisen: 'Three million to Bergen artists'
Ellen Ringstad is among this year's awarded artists and receives a culture grant of NOK 40.000. The Municipality of Bergen awards NOK...

Sep 8, 2016
'The Bergen art scene'
"There would be no Bergen Assembly without the [local] art scene" says artist Toril Johannesen and curators Arne Skaug Olsen and Anne...

Aug 27, 2016
My solo exhibition this fall had to be cancelled. I am currently dismantling and reassembling its many intended elements, letting them...

Aug 17, 2016
Upcoming exhibition: INFERNO
#Exhibitions #2016 #NineCircles2016 #LunarCycles

Aug 15, 2016
'Lunar Cycles' and 'Nine Circles' to be exhibited at the Pristine Galerie in Mexico
I've just shipped four paintings from the 'Lunar Cycles'-series and the first edition of 'Nine Circles' (a set of nine casted wax candles...

May 27, 2016
KUNSTforum 01/06 release event
One night only-group show, curated by Rasmus Hungnes and Josefine Lyche on March 1rst, 2016. Participating artists were "selected...

Apr 27, 2016
Caesar or nothing
Documentation of my installation 'Aut Caesar, aut nihil' (2016) added! Check it out here. #AutCaesarautnihil #2016 #Painting #Sculpture...

Apr 27, 2016
Open studio-weekend
Work-in-progress installation in the project space of my studio collective (preparations for my upcoming solo show), open to the public...

Apr 3, 2016
My studio will be available for visits on April 23rd and 24th between 12:00-17:00; the event B-Open is an art festival in which local...

Feb 1, 2016
New website for Bergen artist collective BAG
#BAGBergenAteliergruppe #2016 #EllenRingstad