2009-2012 KHIB Bergen National Academy of the Arts, Department of Fine Arts, Bachelor of Fine Arts.
2006-2009 DTK/Det Tverrfaglige Kunstinstitutt, Kunstfagskolen i Bærum, Fine Arts.
2005-2006 DTK/Det Tverrfaglige Kunstinstitutt, Kunstfagskolen i Bærum, Fine Arts.
1999-2004 Norwegian School of Marketing NMH/Norwegian School of Management, BI.
1997-1999 International Baccalaureate, Art & Design HL, Berg VGS.
2019 Visningsrommet USF Exhibition Grant
2016 Ministry of Culture, Arts Council, Norwegian Arts Grant, Project funding.
2016 Municipality of Bergen, Culture grant.
2016 Municipality of Bergen, Project funding.
2016 The Relief Fund for Visual Artists, Project funding.
2015 Ministry of Culture, Arts Council, Norwegian Arts Grant, Project Funding «KUKLOS – Border 1.5: ♆» (with Rasmus Hungnes)
2015 Municipality of Bergen, Project Funding «KUKLOS – Border 1.5: ♆» (with Rasmus Hungnes)
2014 The Relief Fund for Visual Artists, Project funding «KUKLOS – Border 1.0: Split and Splice» (with Rasmus Hungnes)
2014 Municipality of Bergen, Project funding «KUKLOS – Border 1.0: Disenchanted Forest» (with Rasmus Hungnes)
2014 Ministry of Culture, Arts Council, Norwegian Arts Grant. («Diversestipend»)
2014 Nominated for «Best Art 2013, Bergen», by newspaper Natt & Dag.
2013 Municipality of Bergen, Artist Grant («Etableringsstipend»).
2013 Hordaland County Council, Artist grant («Kunstnerstipend»).
2013 BKK Lokal, Project funding «pOTSYd» (with Rasmus Hungnes)
2013 The Relief Fund for Visual Artists, Project funding «pOTSYd» (with Rasmus Hungnes)
2013 Municipality of Bergen, Project funding «pOTSYd» (with Rasmus Hungnes)
2013 Nominated for «Best Art Exhibition, Stavanger 2012»
2013 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, UK/NK Travel Grant
2012 Municipality of Stavanger, Project Funding for «Det Ruinrelaterte»
2012 Ministry of Culture, Arts Council, Norwegian Arts Grant ("Diversestipend")
2012 Ministry of Culture, Arts Council, Norwegian Arts Grant ("Etableringsstipend")
2012 Bergen Academy of Art and Design, project funding (Spring)
2011 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, UK/NK Travel Grant
2011 Bergen National Academy of the Arts, project funding (Fall)
2011 Bergen National Academy of the Arts, project funding (Spring)
2003 Norwegian School of Management BI/NMH Debates, winning team
2002 Norwegian School of Management BI/NMH Excellence Awards, honorary award
2012 Board Member, Bergen National Academy of the Arts (KHIB)
2012 President of the Student Council (KHIB)
2009-2012 Student representative (KHiB)
2011 Appointed Vice-president of the Student Council (KHiB)
2010-2011 Deputy Board Member, Bergen National Academy of the Arts (KHIB)
2011-2012 KHIB-representative, Velferdstinget, SIB (Student Welfare Organisation, Bergen)
2010 Member of the Election Board for new Rector at Bergen National Academy of the Arts (KHIB)
2009-2010 Vice President of Galleri Fisk
2009-2010 Vice President of the Student Council, Bergen National Academy of the Arts (KHIB)
2009-2010 Board Member, Bergen National Academy of the Arts (KHIB)
2011 Deputy Board Member, Studvest.
2018 APCLPSTK Therapeutic Utopias, Visningsrommet USF
2013 Videochrome, Bergen Ateliergruppe.
2011 mon-uh-lawg, Bokboden, Bergen.
2011 Big Sculpture, KHIB Bergen National Academy of the Arts.
2011 Ouroboros, Premiss, Bergen.
Planned 2016 KUKLOS – Border 1.7, Bergen Kjøtt, Bergen.
Planned 2016 KUKLOS – Border 1.5, Kreuzberg Pavillon, Berlin.
Planned 2016 KUKLOS – Border 1.6, Unterbrückungskabinett, Berlin.
2016 'Fall Apartment.' Curated by Rasmus Hungnes.
2016 'INFERNO,' Pristine Gallery, Monterrey, Mexico. Curated by Raul Zamudio.
2016 'Pop up,' Bergen Kjøtt. Curated by BCAP/Bergen Kjøtt/Annine Birkeland.
2015 'Nothing Will Grow Together Because Nothing Belongs Together', Olavsvern Naval Base, Tromsø. Curated by Kurant / Maria Danielsen and Camilla Fagerli.
2014 KUKLOS – Border 1.4, part of Uskapt by Gabriel Kvendseth, Game of Life 2: Knust i det offentlige rom. Kristiansand Kunsthall
2014 Screening of Repress/Regress at Cinema B-Open, Festplassen, Bergen, curated by Jeremy Welsh.
2014 KUKLOS – Border 1.3: Skin-Deep. The Wearable Art Show by Kreuzberg Pavillon,
KNIPSU, Bergen.
2014 KUKLOS – Border 1.2: In Between, SomoS, Berlin.
2014 Plain Air 2014, Amateras Foundation, History Museum of Pavlikeni, Bulgaria.
2014 KUKLOS – Border 1.1: Disenchanted Forest. Hardbakka Ruins 2014 – Dissensus, curated by Lars Torresen, Hidemi Nishida, Dan Dorocic, Icaro Zorbar og Alison Hugill.
2014 KUKLOS – Border 1.0: Split and Splice. Galleri Split, Bergen, with Rasmus Hungnes.
2013 Sofia International Paper Art Biennial, The National Gallery Sofia, Bulgaria.
2013 pOTSYd, curated by Rasmus Hungens and Ellen Ringstad, Bergen.
2013 Future Ruins, Bergen School of Architecture. Curated by Alison Hugill and Dan Dorocic.
2012 Det Ruinrelaterte, Prosjektrom Normanns, Stavanger, Norway. With Victoria Kielland, curated by Marte Danielse Jølbo
2012 KHIB Bachelor Degree Show 2012, Old Bergen Prison (Gamle Bergen Kretsfengsel)
2012 KHIB Bachelor Degree Show 2012, Festplassen, Bergen
2012 KHIB Bachelor Degree Show 2012, Bergen National Academy of the Arts, Department of Fine Arts.
2011 Limen, Premiss (with Sofia Eliasson, Helene Førde, Moa Frantzén and Emily Illett)
2011 Sofia International Paper Art Biennial, Sofia National Gallery for Foreign Art, Bulgaria.
2011 7e Triennale Internationale du Papier, Musée de Charmey, Switzerland.
2011 Cold Open, Premiss, Bergen, Norway.
2010 In Exhibition Space No One Can Hear You Scream, Bergen, Norway. Curated by Galleri Fisk/Tarald Wassvik.
2010 Østlandsutstillingen, Peder Balke Senter, Toten, Norway
2010 Inn & Ut: Everything you do is a Balloon, Hordaland Art Centre (HKS), Bergen, Norway. Curated by Daniela Castro.
2010 Puzzled, Galleri L18, Bergen, Norway.
2010 Østlandsutstillingen, Østfold Kunstnersenter, Fredrikstad, Norway
2009 I Don't Think I Can Handle That Size, Bergen National Academy of the Arts, Bergen, Norway.
2009 Constructing Neverland, Galleri Fisk, Bergen, Norway. Curated by Susa Templin.
2016-ongoing APCLPSTK (exhibition series)
2014-2015 Ringstad ≠ Hungnes KUKLOS (exhibition series)
2013 pOTSYd, Bergen. Co-curated with Rasmus Hungnes.
2012 Eric Alvin Wangel, Saunaen, Premiss, Bergen
2012 Nora Joung, Saunanen, Premiss, Bergen
2014 Performance-series for KUKLOS – Border 1.1: Disenchanted Forest, Hardbakka Ruins 2014, Bergen.
2014 Closing Ritual, KUKLOS -, Border 1.0: Split and Splice, Galleri Split, Bergen.
2011 Mon-uh-lawg, Galleri Bokboden, Bergen
2011 Whiteout, Premiss, Bergen.
2010 PerfRomance #1, Grand Selskapslokaler, Bergen (with Rasmus Hungnes)
2018 Magasinet Kunst/Frederik Westergaard "Kan vi kontrollere naturen i kunsten og dermed os selv?"
2016 Critique, Dagbladet/Arve Rød "Kunst og kald Krig" ("Cold War and Art") 14.09.2015
2015 Critique, Kunstkritikk.no/Maria Bordoff "Havfruer og Ubåde" ("Mermaids and Submarines") 10.09.2015.
2015 Feature, Klassekampen/Torbjørn Tumyr Nilsen "Kaldkrigskunst inni fjellet" (Cold War Art inside Mountain") 26.08.2016.
2015 Article/interview, iTromsø.no «Åpner Olavsvern for Publikum» 10.07.2015
2013 Feature, Kunstkritikk.no
2013 Article/interview in Bergens Tidende, on pOTSYd
2013 Feature, Bergensavisen BA, on pOTSYd
2013 Panorama/articl/interview, Bergen Tidende BT.no, on pOTSYd
2013 Article/interview in Studvest, on pOTSYd
2012 Feature in Stavanger Aftenblad/Trond Borgen, «Rykk frem til start» 28.12.2012.
2012 Critique in Stavanger Aftenblad/Trond Borgen, «Følsomhetens Ruin» 10.10.2012.
2012 Preview/feature, Morgenbladet, Tommy Olsson anbefaler (October)
2012 Feature/Interview in Studvest: «Groteskt og Estetisk»
2011 Preview/feature Morgenbladet, Tommy Olsson anbefaler (Februar)
2011 Preview/feature Morgenbladet, Tommy Olsson anbefaler (Desember)
2011 Catalogue: Sofia Paper Art Fest
2011 Catalogue: 7e Triennale Internationale du papier – Viviane Fontaine
2011 Catalogue: Ellen Ringstad, Recycling Anything. .
2010 Feature. Daniela Castro, Everything we do is a Balloon. Kunstkritikk.no.
2010 Essay: Fremtidskunst. Studvest, (No. 13,/66/16)
2010 Essay: Yes We Can! Studvest, (No. 10/66/11)
2010 Essay: Amputert Signalbygg. Studvest, (No. 5/66/6)
2009 Catalogue: Ellen Ringstad.